This is a Self Financed, Autonomous, Accredited, Distance Career Oriented SRLA committed to providing top quality academic services to esteemed students. New learning methodologies have evolved and, to a great extent, transformed professional education into a technology based industry. SRLA offers a number of accredited Distance programs in various streams. The degree, certificate and diploma programs offered by SRLA are accredited from National/ International Accreditation Agencies, accepted and recognized all over the world. Today, millions of students and working adults in different parts of the world seeking an Distance Education Vishwavidyalaya degree to enhance their academic and career profile; SRLA Distance Vishwavidyalaya may be their Final Destination.
This Educational Institution based on the Central Government Act XXI of 1860 Literary and Scientific Institution Act and National policy on Education 1986 Government of India. Department of Education and Ministry of Human Resource Development New Delhi.
Distance degrees are becoming a much fascinating for students looking to advance their education with the advancement of Technology. Distance degrees at SRLA cover a wide range of educational programs, designed by experts of the field. Whether a student is pursuing an undergraduate degree or a post graduate degree, they will find studying Distance offers benefits and opportunities that traditional classroom setting degrees do not. At SRLA we tried to deliver a convenient way of learning in world class scenario.”

Director Academics@ SRLA

Benefits of getting an
Distance Education Degree at SRLA

Earning an Distance degree holds benefits that traditional lecture style classroom setting courses do not. Of these benefits, the most valuable is the ability for a student to do class work on their own time. In a classroom setting, courses are given at exact times that a student must attend. This can be a problem if a student has conflicting scheduling problems. Often times, a missed class can mean falling behind in the course. With an Distance degree, students have the ability to complete their work on their own time. At SRLA Distance Tutorial classes will consist of weekly readings and assignments that need to be completed at the end of that specific week. This gives the student an entire week to review their work whenever they are available, be it after work, at night, or on the weekend.
Another major benefit to Distance degrees is the delivery method of class notes, readings and assignments. In lecture courses in the classroom, students must take notes during their class time while also trying to listen to the professor. This often leads to students missing some parts of the lecture and having to go to fellow classmates to fill in any holes in the notes they missed. In Distance classes at SRLA, you can download class notes, pre-recorded video/audio lectures, PDF, PPT for the modules of the courses. Students have all the course study materials and are able to access them any time they want. Quizzes and assignments are also delivered in Distance Education along with the learning courses. Students take tests and complete homework assignments just like in classroom courses, but they have the ability to use their course materials and textbooks.
A common misconception about Distance Education courses is that there is a disconnect between the professor and the student. This is anything but true. Professors are an email or phone call away. Many Distance Education students feel they have a better relationship with their professor in Distance Education courses because they have the opportunity to ask questions via email or phone whenever they want instead of having to wait after class or schedule an appointment during a professor’s office hours. Distance Education professors are very quick in replying to questions, and are required by some schools to have an answer within 24 hours.
Distance Education students all agree on one thing: that they get the same, if not more, out of their educational experience as an Distance Education student as they would as a traditional classroom student. Distance Education students have complete access to all the course materials whenever they need them, and this leads them to have a better understanding of the course materials. Distance Education students have more time to devote to studying the class notes and readings, with the ability to watch video lectures multiple times. When Distance Education students find something interesting or have a question about a certain scenario or fact, they can share with their classmates using Group Discussion facility at SRLA.


  • Communication / Language Laboratory

    Computer Science Laboratory

    Mechanical Laboratory

    Electronics and Communication Laboratory

  • Electrical Engineering Laboratory

    Information Technology Laboratory

    Lecture Room

    Library / Reading Room

  • Students in Mechanical Lab During Orientation Programme

    Students in Physics Lab During Orientation Programme

    Students Planting the plants during Orientation Programme

    Students during Orientation Programme

News & Events

Computer Science and Engineering Department Organized Parents Teachers Meeting

National Level Symposium organized by the Department of Computer Applications

One Day Seminar Organized by Department of Catering Science and Hotel Management

Two days Workshop on "FOOD SAFETY AND HYGIENE"

National Level Conference Organized by Department of Automobile Engineering and Centre for Advance Machining

National Level Technical Symposium organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering


SRLA Department of Social Welfare organized one day workshop on "success mandhra"


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