Vice - Chancellor's Message

Dear Student,
SRLA Open University is in the forefront of extending higher education facilities and creating opportunities for an ever greater proportion of the population. SRLA is striving hard to broaden the perspectives in education and research that creates new understanding, new possibilities and the potential for action. This is facilitated by providing a store of knowledge and capabilities that society as a whole has been able to draw upon.
Academics at SRLA Open University have identified the trends, examined them, considered their implications and have explored how they play out into the future. SRLA sincerely believes that a better educated person should possess an improved ability to question and demand increased transparency in all spheres of life. SRLA understands that your education can help drive the innovation which results in economic growth, national development and improved human welfare.
The knowledge economy of the new age identifies your knowledge as the most important form of capital and education is considered to be one of the most important sources of such new knowledge. The academic communities of scholars at SRLA possess research skill that fathoms the length and depth of academic activity and of education in research intensive environment. This provides a distinctive and distinguishing experience, especially for the students of education. I hope the experience of sharing some common attributes and promoting wellestablished values of scholarship would connect us, through cooperation and make us strive for higher levels of effectiveness, excellence and performance.
Best Wishes
Vice Chancellor.

News & Events

Computer Science and Engineering Department Organized Parents Teachers Meeting

National Level Symposium organized by the Department of Computer Applications

One Day Seminar Organized by Department of Catering Science and Hotel Management

Two days Workshop on "FOOD SAFETY AND HYGIENE"

National Level Conference Organized by Department of Automobile Engineering and Centre for Advance Machining

National Level Technical Symposium organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering


SRLA Department of Social Welfare organized one day workshop on "success mandhra"


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